Tuesday, 6 May 2014

DSLR Tutorial and Photo Portfolio

Last year, we were set the task of creating a photo portfolio to showcase various effects that can be achieved with different aperture, shutter speed and ISO in terms of exposure, depth of field and overall effect of the photograph.

We learnt the basics of using a DLSR during a tutorial and I found the camera much easier to use than some of the larger cameras I have had experience with during filming. This came in very useful for delicate photography and has since been good for delicate, artistic filming in my short films.

I chose to do my project on London, both in terms of tourist attractions and the unseen places of interest. This lead me to gathering many varied and often original images for the portfolio.

I tried out various different combinations of shutter speed, ISO and aperture to achieve my final shots and was very pleased with what I learnt. My favourite shot was a low shutter speed with a moving torch in Battersea Park in which a swirl of moving light  was created.

I feel my understanding of still photography has greatly heightened my appreciation of what can be achieved with film, as many of the effects are transferable to this.

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